Saturday, 12 June 2010

Spencer Tunick Exhibition

The Spencer Tunick exhibition Everyday People had it's preview evening at the Lowry in Salford last night. It was great to catch up with those people I'd met at the photoshoot and to see Spencer's work alongside the originals by Lowry himself.

Here's a couple from the evening, with the group of us and Spencer. Thanks to Kiran for the photos. The exhibition is well worth catching, especially if you are a fan of Spencer's work.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Bigoted People

Art is a funny thing, some people like one thing, some another. Same with nudity, I suppose. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Unfortunately some very narrow people make assumptions when they come across nudity. They assume that nudity equates to sleaze and to sex and just can't see the art there. Ah well, that's life I suppose!

What's prompted this post? A letter accusing me of creating porn. An anonymous letter, at that with example photos from my website. No doubt this letter has been sent to others in the community in an effort to stir up ill feeling. That's the trouble with bigots, they're usually cowards too. So, whoever you are, thanks for the letter, you're opinions are noted and respected.

Why is my website and this blog anonymous? Why do I not put my full name to it. Simply because of this all pervasive attitude in the UK the nudity is wrong. My work is out there to be enjoyed by those that want to and those that don't … well just turn the page, friend. So to my anonymous contributor I say this. I am extremely proud of my work. I strive to create art and the human form is my preferred subject matter.

Last month the artist Spencer Tunick photographed 1,000 naked people in the centre of Manchester. Is that porn? If that isn't then why is my art porn?

So whoever you are, I'm sorry for you, sorry you live such a narrow existence and sorry you are unable to enjoy the human form in all it's beauty. Most of all I'm sorry you feel unable to talk about it.