Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself (Old Chinese Proverb)

Got some more fanmail from my anonymous admirer this week. My, my, someone really has got sand up her backside. This post therefore is addressed really just to you my friend.
Whilst I'd really like to debate with you there really is no mileage in doing it via my blog. Your tenuous grasp on the reality of the situation is frankly laughable and virtually every 'fact' in your last letter has been manipulated and distorted to suit your own skewed view of the situation.

However, amused as I am personally by your outpouring of bile, as someone who has adopted the self proclaimed 'moral high ground' on this have you stopped for a moment and thought just what effect your actions are having on those who you say you are trying to protect? Have you? Do you enjoy giving innocent people caught up in this sleepless nights?
Of course as the self proclaimed moral champion here you'll no doubt say that I've brought all this on myself. Well at least I've got the guts to stand up for my position. I don't go around anonymously spreading falsehoods and lies about other people.

Anyway, enough. Amused as I am, I'm also getting rather pissed off. So I'm going to make you an offer. It's unconditional, take your time. The offer is simply this. Meet me at a neutral place, we'll have a coffee and we can discuss your concerns. I don't like ill feeling with anyone and I'm more than happy to talk things through with you. You can even bring a chaperone …

You know where I am, get in touch.

However should you choose to decline my offer then consider this. We live in a small village, our kids go to the same school, we shop in the same shops. Remaining anonymous is difficult as you have already proven. I will unmask you and I will expose you. Let me leave you with another proverb from China.

"Corner a dog in a dead-end street and it will turn and bite"

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